Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Oh my beloved, I crave your caress 
Melting away my beautiful mess
I dream of your touch across my skin
I would die for you to kiss me again

I beg you to see beyond the mind's lies
Not to be subject to that woman's guise
My beloved, please kiss me once more
You hold the key to my fire, my core

No need to wonder, my soul is branded
Clearing of mind, your wish is granted
Open this book to its final chapter
Pure love and devotion for ever after

Friday, January 23, 2015

The End


Aching heart beats in screams
She cries so no one will hear it
A hazy unimaginable dream
Spiralling down a funereal pit

Crying cherished moments to blur
Gasping lungs of quivering breath
Freedom forms in unspoken word
She foolishly flirts with death

As suns set and rise again
More cries, till tears run dry
Wisdom feeds on passion's end 
She bludgeons her love supply

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hush the Mind


Just one desire
Yet now tears kiss
And none the wiser
Into the abyss 

Mind of sorrows
Shallow breaths
Time is borrowed
Since he's left

Plunging forth
A winter deluge
La petite mort
Is pain's refuge 

Hush the mind
Often betrays
Heart is thine 
A burning cache 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Gift of Bliss

Heart submerged 
Feeling high
My butterfly

Luscious being
Soul thus given
Lips await
Their definition

Drink thy tonic
Flesh of rose
Heavenly lover
Vanishing woes 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Reticence

If I saw you resting there, in a darkened room, by a window
As the sun’s rays melted through the drapes, onto your bare chest
I would gasp at the curves of your unrobed silhouette

I would want to say something, “I want you. I need you.”
As your hand would rest on your knee, your eyes would gaze
I would wonder what you were thinking - hoping it was of me

If I saw you looking in my direction, my heart would stop
Aroused, the urge to look away would drown me
I would stand there, static, amidst a burning passion

I would want to speak to the source of my body's revival
But words would not find their way from the depth of my breath
So I would stand there and wait, for you... to come to me

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nature's Embrace

As I run through the woods
Warm rain thrashes the canopy
The trees quench a thirst
Leaves glisten, renewed vitality

Heavy drops pound my chest 
Mud spatters up my bare legs
Feet sinking, the ground ingests 
Feeling hopeless, my heart begs

With each tenacious stride
I’m filled with deep emotion
Mother Earth I do confide
Tears and raindrops, interwoven 

As I travel through the hills
Footsteps drowned by nature's music
Wondering when I’ll hit the end
At that moment, all is muted

I look up and he is there
Majestic beauty, beyond belief
We lock eyes, Socratic stare
Sudden warmth abates my grief

Utterly still, among dancing trees
His crown adorned are antlers
My tears run dry before he flees 
This love, has all the answers

Monday, November 10, 2014


Collaboration Artwork with Claude Panneton 

I'm me
Always been me
From our first hello
To our love's first high
To our love's first low

From the time we first touched
To the miles that separated 
You, the one whom I loved
We, ever so complicated

It's green
Always been green
Love on the other side
Budding divergeant shades
We trusted, to feel alive

And thus we reunited
Lives, much as miles away
A destiny was plighted 
An ambiguous passageway

And you
You've always been you
From our first goodbye
To our love's first low
To our love's first high

And gloriously we've flown 
Resting in hallowed meadows
Dear love, no other has known
My soul's internal crescendos