Friday, September 19, 2014

The Forest Bestoweth

Photograph by Diana Bircakovic  /  Edited by Me

Image maker,
I know not of your intrusion 
But of your light from within
Yes, you belong
My boughs embrace your essence
Oh to be yours, to be as one
To be loved and never lonely
I beg you to touch, 
to know, and to feel 
this earth between your feet
Touch me as I've touched you
Through your eyes, your lens 
Your photograph, 
an everlasting memory,
begets my future, my soul
And I am grateful 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Pull

Before you go
Let me look at your face
Let me see your sweet smile
Let me wipe the tear from my cheek

Before you go
Let me take your hand
Let me pull your body close
Let me rest my head on your chest

Before you go
Let me wrap myself around you
Let me kiss you softly
Let us make love once more
Before you go

Monday, September 15, 2014

Eternal Love


The body, the shell
A hand in a glove
I beg you, do tell 
Which one you do love? 

The body, the soul
I condemn this fight
Soon time takes a toll
My heart remains bright

Accepting with grace
The deepest embrace
Feverishly real
My hand on your face

Lips touch softly
Passion runs deep 
Love reunited
You soulmate, I keep

Inclined to cross paths
Our lifetimes connected
Pleasures of past
The future projected

Caught in the now 
Embrace tantamount
Forever a vow
Our lovers account

Gone Again

A floating sensation
You warmed my core
Like the strongest ray of sun
Patient, kind, thoughtful, caring
But in a flash my fellow bird
You were gone with the wind
There, I remained, in the dark
With your song echoing in my head